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Cultivating Inner Musicality


Several studies have established links between music and spatial reasoning, language, math, fine motor skills and executive functioning. Our Hooties Early Childhood program provides parents and children a nurturing environment to explore music, movement and parent/child games. All of our musician/teachers have children of their own and really know how bring the music to life, making it fun for both kids and parents.  

Music & Children

Hooties Early Childhood Music

Class dates and times vary. Please contact us for info on upcoming groups.

​Session Info

  • 8-week sessions (see registration for specific dates)

  • 45 min. classes

  • Age groups

    • Infant/toddler (6 - 24 months)

    • Preschoolers (up to 4 years)

Sibling & group discounts available

6 Benefits of Music Lessons

1.) It improves academic skills.

Music and math are highly intertwined. By understanding beat, rhythm, and scales, children are learning how to divide, create fractions, and recognize patterns. It seems that music wires a child's brain to help him better understand other areas of math, says Lynn Kleiner, founder of Music Rhapsody in Redondo Beach, CA. As kids get older, they'll start reciting songs, calling on their short-term memory and eventually their long-term memory. Using a mnemonic device to do this is a method that can later be applied to other memory skills, says Mary Larew, Suzuki violin teacher at the Neighborhood Music School in New Haven, Connecticut. Musical instrument classes also introduce young children to basic physics. For instance, plucking the strings on a guitar or violin teaches children about harmonic and sympathetic vibrations. Even non-string instruments, such as drums and the vibraphone, give big kids the opportunity to explore these scientific principles.

Courtesy of
Parents Magazine  - By Angela Kwan

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